the whole process of posting entries related with topics dealt with during
the ECO II lessons, I have come to realize the value of learning journals. One
of the learning journals’ main features, as described in the “Study Skills advice sheet” of the University of Worcester (England), is that they allow students to reflect about their own learning process. Moreover, it is also claimed
that these are not only a descriptive account of what has been done during
lessons. On the contrary, these constitute opportunities for the learners to
communicate their thinking process, i.e. why and how they did what they
did, what they think about it. I strongly agree with this description, and I
would add that learning journals allow you to make connections between the
different subjects, express your own hypotheses, share your thoughts with your
classmates, and make an ongoing assessment of your own learning process. These
factors have not only allowed me to improve my learning but also to value it
even more. It also helped me to appreciate not only the product of the learning
but the process of learning itself.
To conclude, I would like to close this last
post by making use of the saying: “every ending is also a new beginning”.
Therefore, this “learning about my own learning process” will continue, as an
ongoing and never-ending process, which will allow me to keep on growing not
only as a learner but also as a teacher.
Hi, Mary, my turn now hahahaa. Very nice post! I agree with you as regards the importance of learning journals. I think that the main problem is that we are not used to this type of "daybook." However, if we try to introduce it in the classroom we can have the best of it, especially if we ask students to create a learning journal so they can express their opinions, ideas, feelings as regards English lessons and learning.